Dr. William B. Ley has been in private practice in the northern Virginia area (NOVA) since 2001. He was the head veterinarian at REACH, LLC in Millwood, VA before joining Dr. Jeanie Waldron at Rectortown Equine Center in July of 2005. He operated his own private practice and based his breeding and wellness services at Millwood Farm of Clarke County, LLC, Boyce, VA in association with Cloverlone Broodmare Farm owned and managed by Gail Guirreri Maslyk. Currently, he has relocated to northern Loudon County near Bluemont and Round Hill, VA. His serivces are presently limited to ambulatory / farm calls at your stable or farm.
Dr. Ley is a board certified specialist in equine reproduction. He has more than 45 years of practical experience in general equine medicine, as well as being a highly trained breeding expert. He has 21 years of teaching and research experience in equine medicine and reproduction through his professional associations with the University of California at Davis, Davis, CA, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, the VA-MD Regional College of Veterinary Medicine (VMRCVM), Blacksburg, VA, and Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Stillwater, OK. As Head of the Department of Clinical Sciences at Oklahoma State, he was in charge of the clinical training programs for all third and fourth year veterinary students. During his academic career it is estimated that he taught well over 2,000 veterinarians in the USA and world wide. Many of his former veterinary students are practicing in the NOVA and Mid-Atlantic States area.
Dr. Ley developed the FoalWatch milk calcium test kit. He has published over 70 refereed and scientific journal articles. He has spoken on equine reproduction topics across the country and worldwide. Dr. Ley has been a participant in the equine industry as a breeder / rider his entire life, and stood Margie Engle's retired Grand Prix Jumper, R-Saluut II, 1989 Horse of the Year. Dr. Ley and Gail Guirreri run a Holsteiner sport horse breeding operation producing top youngsters for the future, primarily in hunters and jumpers as well as dressage, eventing, driving and foxhunting.
In his early years, he was raised on a cattle and horse ranch in Colorado, which also produced annual alfalfa and mountain hays (600 tons/year). His farm / ranch experience include bushhogging, hay production, fencing, tractor and implement maintenance and mechanics, barn and shed construction, carpentry, welding, plumbing and irrigation. All of which he still enjoys (and maybe prefers) to do when not praticing veterinary medicine.
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