We are temporarily unable to offer these services as of September 1, 2022. Please stay in touch to find out when we will continue these CEM Quarantine Services. Dr. Ley
CEM (Contagious Equine Metritis) Quarantine Services are available at Dr. Ley's facility in Boyce, VA. The clinic / stable is spacious and peaceful. Stalls are 16 ft x 16f ft, with rubber matted floors, individual drains, excellent ventilation, and scenic views to the outside.
There are strict guidelines for qualifying as a CEM quarantine facility. Any approved facility found not adhering to these guidelines is subject to having their facility removed from the list of qualified quarantine facilities. For this reason, all quarantine requirements will be strictly adhered to without exception. Dr. Ley is the USDA accredited veterinarian in charge of the facility and its quarantine status. He is therefore the responsible person for any and all decisions to be made with respect to your horse while in his care. This also means that you must make an appointment with him, preferably 24 hours in advance, to visit the facility and your horse(s), since he must be in attendance during the time of your visit.
Limited turn-out in designated double fenced paddocks and an open-air arena are available for use during your horse's quarantine stay. However, it is imperative that all horses under quarantine be kept separate from other horses. Any exercise paddock used shall be at least 30 feet from other paddocks in use and shall be situated such that run off from heavy rains will not contaminate other paddocks. Paddocks are for limited use only. On farms where other horses are also housed, CEM quarantined horses shall be housed in their designated stalls except for limited supervised exercise. A separate stall shall be maintained for each horse. Quarantined horses may not be stalled next to one another unless they are separated by a solid wall which extends into the floor and also extends upward for at least 8 feet. If such a wall between stalls does not exist, then the horses shall be separated by a vacant stall. It is essential to avoid any possibility of manure and/or urine cross-contamination.
It is also important to note that it is not permitted by USDA requirements to allow any equipment used in quarantine stalls or on or around the quarantined mare or stallion to be removed from the quarantine premises. This means grooming aids, halters, lead ropes, saddle pads, saddles, bits, and etc., must stay with the animal in quarantine until he or she is released by the State Veterinarian from said quarantine.
NOTE: A written contract in advance is required in order to reserve a space for your mare or stallion. Please call, text (Five Four Zero) 303-2336 or email (VAhorsevet Dr. Ley in advance to discuss your questions and / or concerns about this service and to obtain a contract.
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