FAQ: Stall or Paddock?

USDA CEM mare stallion import quarantine with Dr. William B. Ley DVM MS DACT

Horses under CEM Quarantine at our facility stay in 16x16 ft. box stalls with rubber mats bedded in kiln-dried wood shavings. Stalls have front and back doors, and stall fronts have small mesh steel grid barriers for both observation and ventilation. Walls between adjacent stalls are solid floor-to-ceiling concrete to prevent any contact between horses. We are not a high traffic farm, thus once your horse settles in, we intend to provide as much as possible a peaceful and stress-free environment. Each stall has individual fan(s) to provide added ventilation in warm weather. All horses are managed with in-stall water buckets, fresh water provided multiple times per day, to encourage drinking and re-hydration following his or her long trip. Free-choice good quality grass hay is fed. We do not provide grain unless specifically requested, and prefer that if grain or supplements are fed that they be provided as a wet mash. You can transition your horse to grain once they are released from Quarantine and transported to your home farm. This is not a cost-cutting effort. Dr. Ley believes the stress of transport and transition to multiple new environments during the import process is significant enough without compounding it with a high carbohydrate load to the gastro-intestinal system.

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