We welcome you to come visit your horse! Visits MUST be by appointment only with Dr. Ley and only when he is physiclly present. Just call or text him to arrange times and days. The length of your visits will depend on how many horses we have in Quarantine at the same time. We ask that the time set for your visit is respected, and we will do our best to accommodate your plans. We do not encourage you to maintain or institute a full training schedule while your horse is in Quarantine. As we have other horses, both mares and stallions, on the farm not in quarantine, and for insurance purposes, we cannot allow you to handle your horse outside of the quarantine area. You must wear shoes or boots that can be disinfected in a foot bath, and clothing worn into the quarantine area should be removed when exiting the area (e.g., coveralls) and left here for your next visit, or you should changr and launder your clothing before coming into contact with any other horses. Any and all tack or grooming aids brought into the quarantine area must remain there with your horse until released at the end of the CEM quarantine period.
This is a time period of significant adjustment for your horse. Please give them the respect and care they deserve for this relatively short period of time.
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