FAQ: What happens when your horse arrives in VA?

USDA CEM mare stallion import quarantine with Dr. William B. Ley DVM MS DACT

All CEM import horses are delivered with a USDA Limited Transportation Permit Seal on the trailer. These seals are opened only by the State Veterinarian or their designated agent (i.e., USDA accredited Veterinarian or Technician) as soon as the trailer arrives no matter what time of day or night. The horses are given a thorough physical examination by Dr. Ley. They are moved to their 16 x 16 ft. individual stall bedded in deep shavings, with good quality grass hay and fresh water. You will receive an email, text or phone call (your preference) as soon as your horse is comfortably resting in their stall. If anything is of serious concern when examined by Dr. Ley, you will receive a phone call immediately. Horses are observed carefully over the next 24-48 hours for signs of stress, fever, colic, or constipation. Dr. Ley who lives on site and is in attendance 24 hrs per day, 7 days a week will use his 38 yrs of equine veterinary experience to assess and treat your horse accordingly; he will also be in direct contact with you in a timely manner to discuss the situation with you.

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