FAQ: Quarantine my Farm?

USDA CEM mare stallion import quarantine with Dr. William B. Ley DVM MS DACT

There are strict guidelines for qualifying as a CEM Quarantine Facility. Any approved facility found not adhering to these guidelines is subject to having their facility removed from the list of qualified quarantine facilities. If you wish to have your own facility inspected, again please arrange several weeks in advance with the Regional VDACS office in Harrisonburg (540-209-9120), or the main office in Richmond (804-786-2483), so an inspection can be completed. Not all facilities are conducive for being utilized as CEM quarantine facilities, while others may require some modifications. It is wise to arrange these inspections well in advance to avoid any delays and/or disappointments.

The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) will issue a quarantine approval if your facility meets the requirements, and a contractual agreement must be signed prior to initiating the CEM Quarantine process. You will be required to obtain the services of an equine veterinarian experienced in equine reproduction, is also USDA accredited in Virginia, and has been trained by a USDA or State Animal Health Official (SAHO) to work under the state veterinarian's supervision and instruction when collecting and submitting the cultures and treating the animal(s). The USDA accredited veterinarian will transport the samples to an approved CEM laboratory for testing.

A separate stall shall be maintained for each horse. Quarantined horses may not be stalled next to one another unless they are separated by a solid wall which extends into the floor and also extends upward for at least 8 feet. If such a wall between stalls does not exist, then the horses shall be separated by a vacant stall. It is essential to avoid any possibility of manure and/or urine cross-contamination.

Manure may not be spread on paddocks inhabited by other horses. It may be composted, spread on fields inhabited by cattle, hauled to the local landfill, or held until the horses are released from quarantine and then spread on other pastures.

It is imperative that all horses under quarantine be kept separate from other horses. Any exercise paddock used shall be at least 30 feet from other paddocks in use and shall be situated such that run off from heavy rains will not contaminate other paddocks. Paddocks are for limited use only. On farms where other horses are also housed, CEM quarantined horses shall be housed in their designated stalls except for limited supervised exercise.

Traffic of other horses into or out of the quarantine area is not allowed. Visitors are not allowed, or at the very least minimized.

Your USDA accredited veterinarian will also be involved in the culturing process. Storage space for his/her supplies shall be provided at the site.

Additional quarantine requirements are listed on the VDACS contract agreement which is to be signed prior to initiating the culturing process.


Foot bath with disinfectant for use by all personnel enetering and leaving the quarantine area.

Disinfectant: Environ (One Stroke) or Chlorhexidine (Nolvasan), or an equivalent solution.

Disinfectable boots, disposable exam gloves, and separate coveralls are to be worn when working around quarantined horses.

Separate forks, rakes, shovels, and etc., are to be used only in CEM quarantined areas and shall not be used on other horses. This also applies to halters, lead ropes, bridles, blankets, coolers, grooming aids, saddles, pads and other related tack.

A separate garbage receptacle in which to place all disposable items used by the veterinarian and others in the quarantine area is required. These materials shall be burned or taken to the landfill at the completion of the quarantine process.

A separate feed supply is to be used for quarantined horses only. Feed from this area shall not be removed and used for other horses.

Quarantine means strict isolation is imposed to prevent the spread of disease.

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