Dr. William B. Ley is one of the top theriogenologists to breed your mare with frozen semen. Since the introduction of cryopreserved (frozen) equine semen to the commercial horse breeding industry in the early 1980's, its popularity and acceptance has grown exponentially. I breed more mares with frozen semen these days than with either shipped or fresh semen. The advantage of having the stallion in the tank and immediately available when the mare is ready to ovulate far outweighs any of its disadvantages (perceived or otherwise).
Breeding Management Package: $750.00/cycle plus board ($40.00/day; $60.00/day for mare with foal)
All reproductive exams (rectal palpation plus ultrasound) at 6-8 hour intervals once ovulation is imminent or expected.
Hormonal stimulants to induce ovulation, as determined by Dr. Ley
Insemination and post-ovulatory treatments if needed and as determined by Dr. Ley
Day 14, 24 and 45 pregnancy examinations by ultrasound examination.
$150.00 additional fee if deep intrauterine insemination by hysteroscopy is requested.
$150.00 additional fee if twin reduction is required at or around day 14-16.
Mares brought to my barn/ facility for examinations, breeding, and / or foaling pay a one time admission fee ($40); boarded horses will not be charged a farm call.
Note: The fees listed here may not necessarily reflect the current fees set for each item. Call or email Dr. Ley for a current fee estimate.
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