Microchip Your Horse

microchip and reader

The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) will require a microchip implant to identify horses and ponies competing in classes that require United States Hunter Jumper Association (USHJA) horse registration as of Dec. 1, 2017. The microchip verifies the horse\'s identification, which allows the horse to compete for points and prize money and to be eligible for certain USEF and USHJA programs and awards. USEF requires the microchip to be ISO 11784/11785 compliant. This microchip has a unique 15-digit number that will be assigned only to your horse. Getting the microchip is a quick, easy process.

The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) has determined that the implantation of a microchip is a veterinary procedure. The USEF recommends that a licensed veterinarian supervise or perform this procedure. Before the microchip is implanted, the horse should be properly identified and checked for an existing microchip with a reader. The microchip should be implanted in the nuchal ligament, halfway between the poll and the withers on the left side of the horse. After the microchip has been implanted, it should be checked again with a reader to verify that it is still readable.

Microchip implant reporting does not replace recording your horse with the USEF or registering your horse with the USHJA. If your horse is not yet recorded with USEF or registered with USHJA, you will need to complete an USEF Horse Recording Form and include the 15 digit ISO compliant 11784/11785 microchip number on the form.

Dr. Ley has been microchipping horses (and alpacas) since 2009.

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