Breeding mares with fresh (on the farm) or shipped (cooled, extended and transported) stallion semen has been a standard practice for decades. With respect to fresh artificial insemination (AI), I have bred well over 350 mares in many single breeding seasons. With regard to transported semen, I have been and am currently still on both the sending and the receiving side of the equation. Timing, communication, cooperation by the stallion, weekend ovulations, courrier conflicts and schedules are but a few of the many extraneous challenges to be overcome for a breeding to be successful. However, in spite of these concerns, the overall pregnancy rate with either fresh or shipped semen is generally higher than with frozen semen.
Breeding Management Package: $450.00/cycle plus board ($40.00/day/mare; $60.00/day for mare with foal)
Includes all reproductive examinations (rectal palpation plus ultrasound)
Hormonal stimulants to induce ovulation, if determined by Dr. Ley to be appropriate.
Insemination and post-ovulatory treatments (if needed).
Day 14, 24 and 45 pregnancy examinations by ultrasound.
$150.00 additional fee if twin reduction if required.
Mares brought to my barn/ facility for examinations, breeding, and / or foaling pay a one time admission fee ($40); boarded horses will not be charged a farm call.
Note: The fees listed here may not necessarily reflect the current fees set for each item. Call or email Dr. Ley for a current fee estimate.
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