
Caracas Holsteiner Stallion by Cor de la Bryere out of Eroica by Consul

Caracas (1972, grey, Holsteiner, aka Cornett) is sired by Cor de la Bryere and out of the mare, Eroica who was sired by Consul. He was imported into the United States from Europe by Brent & Karen Cudmore of Heartland Farms in 1989. He deceased in the year 2000. For a time prior to his death, he stood with Kitt Slusser of Cranwell Farms in Christiansburg, VA, where his semen was frozen by Mr. Jim Crump of Roanoke AI Laboratories, Roanoke, VA.

His frozen semen is available from Dr. Ley, as agent, at $1500.00 per breeding dose.

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