Elder Horse Wellness Care

Grey Holsteiner mare, Olivia C, in the summer shade

Elder Horse Wellness Care

The older horse has health needs that are different than the younger or middle-aged horse. These include dental deficiencies, digestive inefficiency, weight loss, Cushings, chronic hoof problems, lameness / arthritis, and cataracts, uveitis or other chronic eye problems to name a few. Each individual must be addressed according to his or her special needs / problems. Standard herd immunization and deworming programs will not meet their requirements for longevity and good health. Dr. Ley has had his own retirement herd for many years, and is attuned to identifying and managing their problems early before more serious / secondary conditions develop. The goal is to maintain a well horse with as few complications of old age as possible, realizing that some (or many) problems cannot be reversed due to aging, but they can be managed to minimize their impact on your horse's day-to-day life.

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