Broadway boggie woogie

Broadway boogie woogie 1995 Spotted Holsteiner Stallion

BROADWAY boogie-woogie DECEASED was 91.2% HOL/xx, 75% of his pedigree is approved AHHA (Churchill v. Cor de la Bryere and Frascati v. Fasolt). He has 3 very elastic, ground covering gaits. Dressage judge, Liselott Wiendick came out of her seat when she saw him move.

Full brother, Chappie's Choice, won in good company at Keswick and Lexington Spring Premier. Full sister, Camille, was approved MM OLD (1 point off premium) and was the highest scoring mare at her site. Half brother, Cat-in-the-Hat (by sire), won on the line at Warrenton (3 year old).

Broadway is the sire to up and coming young Cloverlone stallion, Captain America, and also a young mare by the name of Wanna Boogie out of a tb mare. Wanna Boogie (aka Anna) was shown on the line as a young horse with ribbons and is now preparing for amateur hunters. She has lovely fluid movement, long lines and showing great promise. Broadway has produced a wide range of colors from grulla with silver mane and tail, black spots to strawberry roan with flaxen mane and tail, blanket. Two other colts were black bay with blankets.

  • Sire: Locksley Spotlight
  • Dam: Frascati
  • Year Born: 1995
  • Color: Bay with blanket
  • Height: 16.2 h
  • Stam: Q175
  • Registries: RPSI book II, PHR, IRC
  • Stud Fee: $1,250.00 (fresh AI on our farm only)

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