C-Picasso is by CHINN out of White Shoulders v. Locksley Spotlight. He has a large frame, ground covering gaits, and a wonderful temperament. He is more relaxed as a stallion than his sire CHINN, yet has a strong will for life, like his recently passed sister Victaurus. He was severly injured as a coming 4 year old requiring a month of hospital care, multiple surgeries and lengthy after care. As a result, he was unable to have a performance career. Blood distribution is 76% Hol/xx and 24% is appaloosa. His dam line is known for producing great character. His full sibling, cZildjian, was champion at every show out in one season with his junior rider, and his three-fourths sister, Miss Julia, was a winning Preliminary event mare with a junior rider as well. His Chin-Chin sire line produces bravery, but Locksley Spotlight's (dam's sire) sure footed tendency makes that bravery careful!
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