Embryo transfer is an assisted reproductive technique (ART) involving the stallion to provide sperm (fresh, shipped or frozen) that will serve to induce conception of the ovulated oocyte (egg) of the donor mare, the result of which (embryo) is then retrieved from the donor mare by a uterine flushing (lavage) technique 5 to 8 days later, and transferred to a recipient (surrogate) mare by a methodology very similar to artificial insemination. Success of this ART is dependent upon many factors, the most important of which is the age and fertility of the donor mare, followed closely by the experience and competency of the person or persons involved in the overall management and performance of the procedures.
Separate fees apply depending upon each individual event and how recipient / surrogate mare arrangements are determined.
Event 1: Breeding management fee for your donor mare as described for frozen or shipped / fresh semen: $450.00-$650.00 per mare per cycle. Board fees ($40.00 per day) also apply if at Dr. Ley's facility.
Event 2: Estrous cycle synchronization of the recipient or surrogate mare(s): $150.00 per mare per cycle. You could lease the recipient / surrogate mare from Dr. Ley ($2,500.00 lease fee) or provide your own ($unknown). Board fees ($40.00 per day) also apply if your recipient mare is managed at Dr. Ley's facility.
Once the donor and recipient mare(s) are in synchrony and the donor mare has been bred then a7 to 8 days after the ovulation of the donor mare, the following events occur.
Event 3: Embryo flush procedure: $350.00/flush
Event 4: Embryo transfer procedure: $150.00/transfer; alternatively, you could ship the recovered embryo to a commercial center that provides recipient mares (embryo preparation and packaging fee for shipping plus Fed Ex shipping fees : $350.00);
NOTE: We do not maintain a dedicated herd of available recipient mares. We occasionally have one or two available, but not at all times. Discuss these arrangements with Dr. Ley, prior to making arrangements for your donor mare's embryo transfer attempts. A recipient mare lease contract is required and will be provided to you should you elect to use one of our mares as your surrogate.
Mares brought to my barn/ facility for examinations, breeding, and / or foaling pay a one time admission fee ($40); boarded horses will not be charged a farm call.
Note: The fees listed here may not necessarily reflect the current fees set for each item. Call or email Dr. Ley for a current fee estimate.
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