Book and Book Chapters Authored and Co-Authored by Dr. Ley

Bill at the Blue Ridge Fall Races


Ley, W.B. Broodmare Reproduction. Made Easy Series for the Equine Practitioner, Teton New Media, Jackson, WY, 2004; 259p.


Dohoo, I.R., Ley, W.B., and Ruppaner, R.: Disease Outbreak Investigation: Investigation of high neonatal mortality in a sheep flock. IN : Veterinary Clinics of North America, Food Animal Practice. Perry and Lessard (eds.). W. B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, 1988, 4 (1):183-208.

Ley, W.B : Pre-foaling Management of the Mare and Induction of Parturition. IN : Current Therapy in Equine Medicine. 3. N.E. Robinson (ed.), W. B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, 1992, pp. 664-668.

Ley, W.B. : Section II. 10. Anatomy and Physiology of the Female Reproductive System. pp. 81-86. IN : Large Animal Urogenital Surgery, Wolfe, D.F. & Moll, H.D. (eds.), Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1998.

Ley, W.B. : Section II. 11. Examination of the Vulva, Vestibule, Vagina, and Cervix. pp. 87-90. IN : Large Animal Urogenital Surgery, Wolfe, D.F. & Moll, H.D. (eds.), Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1998.

Ley, W.B., Moll, H.D., and May, K.A.: Section II. 15. Surgery of the Vestibule, Vagina, and Cervix. pp. 109-114. IN : Large Animal Urogenital Surgery, Wolfe, D.F. & Moll, H.D.(eds.), Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1998.

Ley, W.B. and Santschi, E.M.: Section II. 16. Examination and surgery of the uterus. pp. 115-136.

IN : Large Animal Urogenital Surgery, Wolfe, D.F. & Moll, H.D. (eds.), Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1998.

Ley, W.B.: Section 11: Theriogenology. IN : Mosby\'s Review Questions & Answers for Veterinary Boards, Large Animal Medicine and Surgery. Pratt, P.W. (ed.), Mosby-YearBook, Inc., St. Louis, 2nd ed., 1998, pp. 263-271.

Ley, W.B.: Reproduction in Mares and Stallions. IN: Equine Medicine Secrets. Savage, C.J. (ed.), Hanley & Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia, Mosby, St. Louis, 1999, pp. 223-256.

Ley, W.B., Digrassie, W.A., Holyoak,G.R., and Slusher, S.H.: Semen Quality Examination. IN: Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology in the Horse, 2 ed., Cowell R. and Tyler R., Harcourt Health Sciences, St. Louis, 2001; pp. 187-199.

Ley, W.B., Holyoak, G. R., Digrassie, W.A., Slusher, S.H.: Endometrial Cytology. IN: Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology in the Horse, 2 ed., Cowell R. and Tyler R., Harcourt Health Sciences, St. Louis, 2001; pp. 180-186.

Ley, W.B. and Slusher, S.H.: Infertility and Diseases of the Reproductive Tract of Stallions. IN: Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology. 2 ed., Youngquist, R.S. ed., W. B. Saunders, Co., Philadelphia, 2002; pp.

Ley, W.B, Holyoak, G.R., Digrassie, W.A., and Cartisano, D: Testicular and Epididymal Disorders. IN: The Practical Veterinarian: Small Animal Theriogenology. Root Kustritz, MV (ed), Butterworth - Heinemann, St. Louis, MO, 2003; pp. 457-492.

Ley, W. B. and Holyoak, G.R.: Normal Pre-foaling Mammary Secretions. IN: Current Therapy in Equine Reproduction. Samper, JA, Pycock, JF and McKinnon, AO (eds); Saunders Elsevier, St. Louis, MO, 2007, Chapter 62.

Holyoak, G.R. and Ley, W.B.: Management Regimens for Uterine Cysts. IN: Current Therapy in Equine Reproduction. Samper, JA, Pycock, JF and McKinnon, AO (eds); Saunders Elsevier, St. Louis, MO, 2007, Chapter 17.

Ley, W.B.: Evaluation of Uterine Tubal Patency. IN: Equine Reproduction. 2 ed., McKinnon, AO, Squires, EL, Vaala, WE, and Varner, DD (eds), Wiley Blackwell, Ames, IA, 2011, Chapter 210.

Ley, W.B.: Pre-foaling Mammary Secretions. IN: Equine Reproduction. 2 ed., McKinnon, AO, Squires, EL, Vaala, WE, and Varner, DD (eds), Wiley Blackwell, Ames, IA, 2011, Chapter 286.


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