Broodmare Reproduction

Broodmare Reproduction author Dr. William B. Ley DVM MS DACT

Reproduction plays a prominent role in equine private practice. Breeding problems and their resolution are a frequent challenge to many practitioners. This book is intended to serve as a practical basis to aid students, new graduates, mixed animal practitioners, and equine emphasis veterinarians alike in their understanding and management of broodmares.

The book is not intended to be an all-inclusive reference text for equine reproductive problems. Rather the basics are presented as a foundation, a solid base, on which to build during your lifelong learning process. I firmly believe that we do not know or understand all there is to know. We must confront the challenges of our profession with an open mind, a curiosity for new events and findings, a willingness to admit we do not have an answer to every question, and the dedication to seek an answer whenever and wherever possible.

I never cease to be amazed by the challenges and intricacies of life, especially in relation to its initiation at conception. But the challenges and wonderment do not stop there. Preserving and optimizing the quality of life of our equine companions has and will continue to be a life-long personal quest. I extend to you the invitation to correspond with me concerning this text or any question you may have regarding broodmare reproduction. If I don’t have an immediate answer, I promise to extend every reasonable effort in an attempt to assist you.

The above is a direct quote from the Preface: Broodmare Reproduction for the Equine Practitioner, Equine Made Easy Series, Teton New Media, Jackson, WY, 2004, 255p.

Book Chapters include reproductive efficiency, breeding management systems, preventive medicine, reproductive anatomy, physiology and endocrinology, breeding soundness techniques, pregnancy testing, identification of conception failure or pregnancy loss and treatment protocols, and assisted reproductive technologies.

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