Miers, K.C., Ley, W.B.: Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in the horse: Study of 117 clinical cases and consideration of etiopathogenesis. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 177:250-253,1980.
Ley WB, Bowen JM, Mathewson JJ: Salmonella-induced vaginitis. Vet Med Small Anim Clin. 75(9):1417-9, 1423-1424, 1980.
Ludwig, K.G., Craig, T.M., Bowen, J.M., Ley, W.B., Ansari, M.M.: Efficacy of ivermectin in controlling Strongyloides westeri infections in foals. American Journal of Veterinary Research 44:314-316, 1983.
Bowen, J.M., Tobin, N., Simpson, R.B., Ley, W.B., Ansari, M.M.: Effects of washing on the bacterial flora of the stallion\'s penis. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Suppl. 32:41-45, 1982.
Ley, W.B.: Influence of the sire on early embryonic loss in domestic large animals. The Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 7:S277-284, 1985.
Ley, W.B.: Method of predicting stallion to mare ratio for natural service and artificial insemination programs. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 5:143-146, 1985.
Ley, W. B.: Problem pregnancies in the mare: The trouble with twinning. Veterinary Medicine, 4:354-362, 1986.
Ley, W. B.: Which factors figure most prominently in caprine management. Veterinary Medicine, 6:568-573, 1986.
Woods, G.L., Baker, C.B., Baldwin, J.L., Ball, B.A., Bilinski, J., Cooper, W.L., Ley, W.B., Mank, E.C., Erb, H.N.: Early embryo loss in the mare. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Suppl. 35:455-459, 1987.
Bowen, J.M., Ley, W.B., Jones, L., Sutherland, J. deBarros, C., Bergeron, H., Petrites-Murphy, M., Bollinger, D., Kloppe, L., and Pugh, D.G.: Intrauterine Cytology: The dynamic changes which accompany acute and chronic uterine infections in the mare. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Suppl. 35:675-677, 1987.
Ley, W.B., Purswell, B.J., Bowen, J.M.: The effects of prostalene and alfaprostol as uterine myotonics, and the effect on post-partum pregnancy rate in the mare following daily treatment with prostalene. Theriogenology 29:1113-1121, 1988.
Ley, W.B., Purswell, B.J., Bowen, J.M.: Effect of a PGF2-alpha-analogue administered during the post-partum period upon pregnancy rate. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 8:141-143, 1988.
Dohoo IR, Ley WB, Ruppanner R.: Disease outbreak investigation. Three case studies. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract 4(1):183-208, 1988.
Ley, W.B., Hoffman, J.L., Meacham, T.N., Sullivan, T.L., Kiracofe, R.L. and Wilson, M.L.: Daytime foaling management of the mare: 1.Pre-foaling mammary secretions testing. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 9:88-94, 1989.
Ley, W.B., Hoffman, J.L., Crisman, M.V., Meacham, T.N., Kiracofe, R.L. and Sullivan, T.L.: Daytime foaling management of the mare: 2. Induction of parturition. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 9:95-99, 1989.
Ley, W.B., Bowen, J.M., Sponenberg, D.P. and Lessard, P.N.: Dimethyl sulfoxide intrauterine therapy in the mare: Effects upon endometrial histological features and biopsy classification. Theriogenology 32: 263-269,1989.
Sprecher, D.J., Ley, W.B., Whittier, W.D., Bowen, J.M., Thatcher, C.D. and Pelzer, K.D.: Use of the partial farm budget technique to predict the economic impact of the flock management decision to use B-mode ultrasonic pregnancy diagnosis. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 195:199-204, 1989.
Purswell, B.J., Ley, W.B., Sriranganathan, N., Bowen, J.M.: Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial flora in the postpartum mare. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 9:141-143, 1989.
Ley, W.B. and Bowen, J.M.: Plasma therapy following intrauterine lavage with dilute betadine solution in the postpartum mare. Equine Practice 11 (8): 7-11, 1989.
Carmel, D.K., Crisman, M.V., Ley, W.B. and Edwards, G.H. : A survey of whole blood selenium concentration in horses in Maryland. Cornell Veterinarian 80:251-258,1990.
Sprecher, D.J., Ley, W.B., Bowen, J.M., Purswell, B.J.: B-mode ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis in sheep. Fact Sheet. Theriogenology Handbook. Society for Theriogenology and the American College of Theriogenologists, 0-1 (9/89).
Ley, W.B., Thatcher, C.D., Swecker, W.S.: Chelated mineral supplementation: A preliminary trial studying its effect upon reproductive performance of the barren mare. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 10(3):176-182, 1990.
Ley, W.B., Metcalf, E.S., Ochs, D.L., Purswell, B.J., Bowen, J.M.: Dimethyl sulfoxide intrauterine therapy in the mare: Effect upon uterine-derived neutrophil function. Theriogenology, 33(6):1177-1189, 1990.
Ley, W.B., Crisman, M.V. and Bonen-Clark, G.: Evaluation of a new field test for detection of passive transfer in the foal. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 10(4):262-266, 1990.
Ley, W.B., Sprecher, D.J., Thatcher, C.D., Pelzer, K.D., and Umberger, S.H.: Use of the point-score system for breeding soundness examination in yearling Dorset, Hampshire and Suffolk rams. Theriogenology 34(4): 721-734, 1990.
Ley, W.B., Sprecher, D.J., Lessard, P., Thatcher, C.D., Pelzer, K.D., and Umberger, S.H.: Scrotal circumference measurements in purebred Dorset, Hampshire and Suffolk lamb and yearling rams. Theriogenology 34(5): 913-926, 1990.
Ley, W.B., Bowen, J.M., Purswell, B.J., Irby, M. and Griewe-Crandell, K: The sensitivity, specificity and predictive value of measuring calcium carbonate in mares\' pre-partum mammary secretions. Theriogenology 40(1):189-198, 1993.
Ley, W.B.: Ram Epididymitis: Review and Control. Agri-Practice 5: 34-37, 1993.
Ley, W.B.: The use of a pre-foaling milk calcium test kit in the foaling management of mares. Equine Practice 16(6):15-22,1994.
Ley, W.B.: Current thoughts on the treatment of acute endometritis in the mare. Veterinary Medicine 89(7): 648-660;1994.
Ley, W.B.: Treating endometrosis in mares. Veterinary Medicine 89(8): 778-788, 1994.
Ley, W.B.: Management of the foaling mare: Prefoaling considerations. Veterinary Medicine. 89(6):559-569,1994.
Ley, W.B.: Management of the foaling mare: Predicting readiness for birth and inducing foaling. Veterinary Medicine. 89(6):570-577,1994.
Crisman, M.V., Douglas, D.K., Lessard, P., Ley, W.B.: A survey of whole blood selenium concentrations of horses in Virginia and Maryland. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 14(5): 26-31,1994.
Dascanio, J.D., Ley, W.B., Warnick, L.D. Austin, S.M.: Effect of temperature, total milk solids, milk fat, milk lactose and milk protein on the prediction of equine colostral immunoglobulin from specific gravity. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, Lexington, KY, December, 1995; pp. 15-17.
Purswell, B.J., Ley, W.B., Parker, N.A.: Effect of time, temperature and anticoagulant on progesterone in equine serum and plasma. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, Lexington, KY, December, 1995; pp. 56-57.
Martin, K.L., Hoffman, D.S., Kronfeld, D.S., Ley, W.B. and Warnick, L.D.: Calcium decreases and parathyroid hormone increases in serum of periparturient mares. Journal of Animal Science 74:834-839,1996.
Buechner-Maxwell, V.A., Murray, M.J., Crisman, M.V., Ley, W.B., Saunders, G.F. and Walton, A.M.: Relationship of Equine Housing to Large Airway Inflammation. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 16(11):502-506,1996.
Buechner-Maxwell, V.A., Crisman, M.V., Murray, M.J., Ley, W.B., Saunders, G.F. and Walton, A.M.: Transendoscopic biopsy of the horse\'s airway mucosa. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 16(9): 375-379,1996.
Murray, M.J., Eichorn, E.S., Dubovi, E.J., Ley, W.B., Cavey, D.M.: Equine Herpesvirus type-2: Prevalence and seroepidemiology in foals. Equine Veterinary Journal. 28(6):432-436, 1996.
Pleasant, R.S., Moll, H.D., Ley, W.B., and Lessard, P.: Intra-articular anesthesia of the distal interphalangeal joint alleviates lameness associated with the Navicular Bursa in horses. Veterinary Surgery. 26:137-140,1997.
Dascanio, JJ, Ley, WB, Warnick, LD, and Austin, SM: Use of a new colostrometer to predict equine colostral immunoglobulin from specific gravity. Equine Practice 19(5):23-29, 1997.
Ley, WB, Pleasant, RS, Dunnington, EA: Mineral content and strength of the equine hoof as effected by diet and season. Equine Veterinary Journal, Suppl 26:46-50, 1998.
Donrov, Ts., Batsaihan, D, Ley, WB: Gonadotropin extraction from pregnant mares\' serum and effect of PMSG preparation on the fertility of Mongolian native ewes. Small Ruminant Research 28:61-66,1998.
Bailey, TL, Dascanio, JJ, Parker, NA, Purswell, BJ, Ley, WB, Bowen, JM, and Digrassie, WA: Diagnostic procedures in mare reproduction: Basic Evaluation. Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 19(8):980-992,1997.
Dascanio, JJ, Parker, NA, Ley, WB, Bailey, TL, Purswell, BJ, Bowen, JM and Digrassie, WA: Diagnostic procedures in mare reproduction: uterine evaluation; hysteroscopy, oviductal patency and scintigraphy. Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 19(9):1069-1076, 1997.
Bailey, TL , Dascanio, JJ, Parker, NA, Purswell, BJ, Ley, WB, Bowen, JM and Digrassie, WA: Diagnostic procedures in mare reproduction: hormonal evaluation and genetic testing. Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 19(10):1183-1190, 1997.
Digrassie, WA and Ley, WB: Induction of Parturition. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 17(10):528-529, 1997.
Dascanio, JJ, Ley, WB, Bowen, JM: How to perform and interpret uterine cytology. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 1997; pp. 182-186.
Metcalf, ES, Ley, WB, Love, CC: Semen parameters of the American Miniature Horse Stallion. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 1997; pp. 202-203.
Bowen, JM, Walker, WL, Digrassie, WA, Ley, WB: The use of a Newton(TM) PDA in an integrated veterinary record keeping system. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 17(9):476, 1997.
Dascanio, JJ, Parker, NA, Ley, WB, Warnick, LD and Sponenberg, DP: Magnesium sulfate intrauterine therapy in the mare. Equine Practice, 20(6):10-13, 1998.
Ley, WB, Bowen, JM, Purswell, BJ, Dascanio, JJ, Parker, NA, Bailey, TL, Digrassie, WA: Modified technique to evaluate uterine tubal patency in the mare. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 1998; pp. 56-61.
Ley, WB, Parker, NA, Bowen, JM, Digrassie, WA, Jack, NE: How we induce the normal mare to foal. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 1998; pp. 194-197.
Parker NA, Bailey TL, Bowen JM, Ley WB, Purswell, BJ, Dascanio JJ,: In vitro and xenogenous capacitation-like changes of fresh, cooled, and cryopreserved stallion sperm as assessed by a chlortetracycline stain. Journal of Andrology 21(1):45-52, 2000.
Digrassie, WA, Ley, WB, Dascanio, JJ: Theriogenology question of the month. Premature birth attributable to placental insufficiency that resulted from establishment of pregnancy in the uterine body with subsequent villous atrophy. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 216: 833- 835, 2000.
Parker NA, Bailey TL, Bowen JM, Ley WB, Purswell BJ, Dascanio JJ. In vitro and xenogenous capacitation-like changes of fresh, cooled, and cryopreserved stallion sperm as assessed by a chlortetracycline stain. Journal of Androlology 21(1):45-52, 2000.
Dascanio, JJ, Schweizer, C, Ley, WB: Equine fungal endometritis. Equine Veterinary Education 3(6):420-425, 2001.
Cook, AG, Buechner-Maxwell, V, Morrow, JK, Ward, DL, Parker, NA, Dascanio, JJ, Ley, WB, Cooper W: Interpretation of the detection of Sarcocystis neurona antibodies in the serum of young horses. Veterinary Parasitology 95(2-4):187-195; 2001.
Ley, WB, Higbee, RG, Holyoak, GR: Laser ablation of endometrial and lymphatic cysts. Clinical Techniques in Equine Practice 1(1):34-38, 2002.
Buechner-Maxwell, VB, DiGrassie, WA, Dascanio, JJ, Ward, D, Austin, S, Ley, WB: Measurement of equine serum hepatic indices after administration of Tetanus Antitoxin. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 23(5):220-224, 2003.
Wirtu, G, Bailey, TL, Chauhan, MS, Parker, NA, Dascanio, JJ, Gwazdauskas, FC, Ley, WB: Xenogenous fertilization of equine oocytes following recovery from slaughterhouse ovaries and in vitro maturation. Theriogenology 61(2-3):381-391, 2004.
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